Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Our Christmas this year was full...full of food, presents, family and fun. I am now exhausted and recovering, but it was well worth it. Coleman quickly understood the concept of opening presents and would say "Open presents". Pictured are a few of the great presents he got this Christmas. The trucks from Grandad were almost impossible to get out of the box. Nolan, the possible future welder, had a hard time opening it, but he did get it.
Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Early Christmas

We have been receiving boxes of Christmas gifts from my family this week. I let Coleman open one from my sister and Steve. The present is actually from 1 month old Brooke, so clearly she's a genius. Coleman understands the concept of unwrapping presents, so Christmas will be fun.

Notice our living room no longer has dark, shiny brown trim. I've been on a mission to get our living room trim painted, and I finished last week. Hurray!

My Mom and Dad sent a box our way filled with pre-Christmas gifts and Christmas gifts. One of the gifts from my Mom is a Mickey Mouse Club apron and chef's hat for Coleman. Its perfect! Just what I wanted for him. :) He loves it and it'll keep him clean now. Thanks Meemaw and Peepaw!

Lastly, here is a prego picture of me and my belly. It is always amazing to see my body change shapes and distort so amazingly to house a baby. She's kicking away now, and if I lay still I can even see my belly move. Only 3 months left to go.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good Manners Bad Manners

When I was eating salad and Coleman was watching, he cracked up when the salad stuck out of my mouth. Of course, I had to keep him laughing so I continued to eat like this perhaps teaching him some bad manners. Jared had found his tiger hat and surprisingly, he liked wearing it while he ate.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Candy and Daddy

Two things Coleman loves are candy and Daddy time. We made a gingerbread house at Story Time at the library. He of course ate most of the candy decorations and was chanting "Candy, candy, candy, candy!" while kicking his legs or dancing the rest of the day. I guess the love of candy comes from my Dad, through me to Coleman. :)
When Jared gets home from work Coleman will run to the door and say "Daddy!" excitedly. Jared throws him around and wrestles with him more than I do and he loves it! Then after dinner Jared and Coleman watch a Thomas video and read books. Coleman is like jello by this time he's so tired. He's blessed to have such a wonderful daddy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

I love this time of year, and especially getting a fresh Christmas tree and decorating it, while drinking eggnog of course. Coleman was really excited about the whole experience as well. While picking out a Christmas tree he had fun running through the trees and playing hide and seek with Jared and I. He loves the lights and the popcorn chain. He also loves the silver balls, though many have been lost through his playing with them.
Lately Coleman and I have been baking a lot together. He'll push a dinner chair over to where I mix and say "Mix, mix Coleman". He then will say "Taste, taste, taste, taste" until I pause in my mixing to let him taste. Today I made Julekage, a Norweigian coffee bread similar to Irish soda bread with raisins. He couldn't get enough tastes. We're secretly hoping he may be a chef so he can cook for us. :)
I will post a belly picture soon. You can kind of see my silhouette in the picture above. She is kicking a lot now.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Pampered Chef

Or is it the chef in Pampers?

Coleman loves to help me bake. He'll push his chair up to the table so he can stand at the end and help me mix. He is an enthusiastic cook. Just in time for all of the holiday baking. He just needs his own apron now. Anyone have some good cookie recipes?

Saturday, November 29, 2008


We spent Thanksgiving with the Fulton family on Thursday. On Friday we had a second Thanksgiving meal with Grammie...lots of food to eat. Thanksgiving day was very warm so we got outside for some frisbee. Back inside cousin Caroline played with Coleman with the toys she's outgrown. Coleman loved the new toys and the attention! Friday night we stayed with Brian and Ashley and Coleman bonded with their dog Maddie. He kept asking her to play with him and tried to give her a truck. She was too tired to move, so he settled for giving her hugs and kisses. Coleman and Ashley watched Bob the Builder together before he went to bed. He'd wake up in the morning as ask "Where are you Ashley?" Then he'd pause and say "I don't know." He loves his Auntie Ashley. We finally got home today. It is always great to come home!

Monday, November 24, 2008


This is one of Coleman's favorite games to play currently. He loves to be startled. Very unlike me, ha, ha.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Haircut

Coleman got his first haircut last week. He looks like a different boy now. He looks more like a boy than a baby now. Its a little bit sad. He's growing up so fast!

I can now feel our baby girl kicking inside me all the time. Soon enough we'll meet her.

Yesterday we went to an early Thanksgiving with our neighbor's and their family. There was a 3 year old girl there, Regan. She and Coleman took to each other right away, chasing each other around the house. Then she'd give him kisses and he'd grin and look so pleased with himself. He was a like her little puppy dog following her around everywhere. I think it was his first crush.

Monday, November 17, 2008


We took Coleman to the McWain Center Saturday to see the Train Exhibit, here for the holidays. Coleman loved it, but was very serious as he took it all in. The model trains are amazing, especially all of the detail work put into the towns around the trains.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Coleman figured out how to sit on top of his dump truck and will show off his new trick to any visitors we may have.

I am officially halfway through my pregnancy and feeling more energy and less sick. Hurray!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Grandad Visits

On Sunday Dad Fulton made a visit with us. It was a long drive for him to come all the way up here, so it was greatly appreciated. Coleman took a while to warm up to him, but at the end of the day he was quite comfortable. After dinner, Coleman was holding Jared's hand and reached up to take Grandad's hand and walk together out to the parking lot. It was very sweet! He then had lots of fun sliding off the truck into Jared's arms.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Georgia Aquarium

For my birthday Jared took me to Atlanta for the night to see the Aquarium, and spend a night in a hotel without Coleman. Sue took Coleman out trick or treating as a pumpkin. The Aquarium was amazing! You can see my belly in the beluga whale picture. It was such a treat to get away just with Jared. It was a very happy birthday.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's A Girl!

We went to the ultrasound yesterday, and found out we're having a girl. We are both really excited about the news. She is healthy too. We'll post the ultrasound pictures and possibly the video soon.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Halloween

This is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the weather, feeling cozy, lots of candy, and of course my birthday. :) I found such a deal on this beautiful pumpkin suit for Coleman today. He didn't mind wearing it either, even the hat. It will be fun to take him trick or treating on Friday.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sweet Hoodie

The temperature has dropped at night, and we didn't have any heat on, so in the mornings we would all be cozy in our sweatshirts until the sun warmed up the house. Jared got Coleman to walk around with his hands in his sweatshirt in this video. We got our heat turned on since then so our house is cozy now.

Sue came up to visit for a few hours yesterday. Coleman was so cute with her. He'd be pushing his stroller and then stop and come back and give her a hug. He was specifically showing off for her.

Coleman is showing signs of liking order and cleanliness. If his hands get dirty he'll show them to me and say "Owie" so I'll clean them. When he sees something on the floor like a piece of paper, or food he'll say "Uh-oh" and point it out to me. Then he'll say "Clean up" and won't stop showing me until I clean it up. He also likes his seat to be clean before climbing into it for a meal. He'll point out to me any food bits I missed so i'll clean them up. He also likes telling the dog and cat "No, no". Sadie has bitten several of his toys and when he sees a toy with her bite marks on it he'll say "No bite Sadie".

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cool Boy

Coleman went to a fellow schoolmate's birthday party and got these sunglasses as a party favor. He loves them, especially while eating. We think he looks like Elton John with them on. Could this be his Halloween outfit?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I've been feeling so much better this week, eating better and my belly is growing very well. This is a video of Coleman taking some of his own quiet time reading some books. He does this often, its so cute.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cyrstal LeRoc Eat Your Heart Out

Another favorite video of mine.

Sisters Do As Sisters Should

This reminds me of my cousin Laura, and I can't stop gigglng about it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today Coleman successfully used the potty after dinner! What a celebration. He is wanting to be more of a big boy, like spooning his yogurt, or pudding into his mouth by himself, or holding onto the banister and walking down stairs.

When I ask him where Mee-Maw went he'll say "Up, up, up" because she flew up in an airplane.

Coleman loves music and will sit in front of the CD player for 20-30 minutes just listening. His favorite song is "Old McDonald". His second favorite song is "i come from alabama with a banjo on my knee". He'll say "Knee" when it comes on.

I've been feeling much better since my Mom left. I saw the doctor today, and we will have our ultrasound on oct 29, Wednesday, just in time for my birthday. :) So, what does everyone think we'll have? Boy or girl?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tour of our Home

Today my Mom left after a week visiting with us. About 5 minutes after dropping her off at the airport Coleman said "Bye-bye Pee-paw". I think it clicked that she was gone. We had a great week with her and I feel so much stronger and better as a result of her help.

Here is a mini-tour of our house. It looks so much better since Mom visited :) Thanks Mom!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mee-Maw Visits

My Mom came down for a week to help me out since this pregnancy has not been easy. My Dad has been very generous to give up my Mom for a week. She's revolutionized my kitchen and I've been eating soooo well this week.

Coleman calls my mom "mee-maw" because he can't say Grandma. That makes my Dad Pee-paw.

Here is Coleman showing Mee-Maw how fast he can run and acting very silly.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dip Dump

I can always tell when Coleman is tired because he gets super giggly. This is a good example of that. He was fine after his little fall and when right back to playing by the way.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Playing in the Sprinkler

Today while Jared worked on his art Coleman and I cooled off in the sprinkler. At first he was a little timid with the water, but it didn't take him long to start enjoying it and even sticking his head directly in the stream.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I made it to 12 weeks pregnant! That's the little nugget causing me so much misery. That's not an actual picture of our nugget, just one i found on line. My suspicion is its a girl since I've been so much sicker this time than I was with Coleman. I turned a corner this last week and suddenly feel my energy back and very little nausea.

During the worst of my sickness Jared was desperately seeking advice from women he'd meet through his job. One woman suggested drinking a tablespoon of cider vinegar once a day and in three days I'd feel much better. I was desperate so I tried it, not having eaten or drank much for days. I took a tablespoon of cider vinegar and loved it!! It was like a shot of whiskey on a cold winter's day. My body just loved it. By the third day I was feeling much better. I tried another tablespoon of vinegar a week later and it tasted pretty awful and burned so much. Very strange how that was what my body was craving then, but not now.

Coleman has been so clingy to me lately and orders me to come with him all the time. I love it, but I worry about his reaction to the new baby.

Oh, two of my weird food cravings have been celery and cream cheese. It reminds me of visting Aunt Laurel's as a kid and eating it with my cousins there. But I'm loving it now. Also, the Thai coconut soup I can't get enough of. Does anyone have a good recipe for it so we don't go broke?? :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Coleman Dancing

Coleman is starting to like music more and dance to it. He'll even dance to my ridiculous ring tone. His new favorite thing is to go collect nuts, leaves, sticks and rocks in his garbage truck. He's very deliberate and careful, as you can see in the video.

Yesterday was his first day of 'school' at the Parents' Day Out program at the nearby church. When I dropped him off he was clinging to me and crying. When I picked him up he was playing with a train and didn't want to leave. When you ask him if he liked school, he'll say "ohhh" and "choo-choo". They told me that he really liked the singing too. It was a little sad for me to bring him to school. He's all growsed up!

I think Coleman is ready for potty training. He'll tell me when he's made a poop, and he's always eager to sit on his potty when we suggest it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Daddy the Bobo

Coleman's new favorite thing is Bob the Builder videos. He calls them 'Bob bobo'. All day he'll walk around with the DVD in his hands and say "Watch Bob bobo" and I'll say "no watch' so he'll say "no watch bob bobo". yesterday Jared built a desk so we called him Daddy the Bobo, and Coleman was his little helper. He had eaten a ton of raisins and apricots that day and had just filled his diaper prior to helping Jared, thus the comment at the end.

Family Weekend

This past weekend Aunt Linda was in town so we got to spend a day and a half with her. It was great to see her, even if it was brief. Forrest came up to visit, as well as Sue, Nolan, Brian and Ashley. It was a lot of fun. We all had a nice lunch together and spent the rest of the day shopping. Though Jared, Coleman and I opted to nap. Jared made his famous pizza for everyone Saturday night, and then made pancakes the next morning with our blueberries from blueberry picking. It was a food weekend.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Olympic Sport: Shopping Cart Racing

Here is Coleman having fun with his shopping cart. He's clearly impressed with himself and loves being filmed. I'll show him the video after and he gets a kick out of seeing himself.

A funny story about Sadie: I went out for the afternoon with Coleman and left Sadie in our back yard. I was pretty sure our gate was securely closed, but had a fleeting thought that maybe it wasn't. When Coleman and I got home Sadie was at the back door ready to come in and greet us. When she ran in I saw, and smelled, that she was muddy from the middle down. She stank like pond muck! I saw the gate was open, and figured out that she had walked herself down to the park where the duck pond is and had a field day. Then she walked herself home like a good girl. She got a bath that night and it was dirty water.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Toy

I found a toy police car on the sidewalk set out for the garbage, so Jared and I picked it up on our way to church. What a find! Coleman loves his new police car. He is getting so good at getting in and out of his car, and climbing in general.

Coleman and Sadie keep me very busy every day. I've noticed that Coleman is very conscientious. When he sees something where it should not be he says "uh-oh". Today he saw leaves on the road and said "Uh-oh" because they looked messy. So he picked them up and put them in the gutter with the rest of the leaves. He is also a good helper. He'll put back the chairs when he is done, likes to help me with the dishes, and will pick up his toys. Of course, a little encouragement is needed sometimes "Pick this up or do you need a time-out?" He usually picks it up.

Yesterday I was awfully sick to my stomach and coleman was sooo sweet giving me hugs and pat-pat-patting me with his little hand. Sadie was sympthatic too. Of course, Jared was great! :)

Here is my helpful boy at the sink.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

McWane Center

Today it rained all day, so Coleman and I checked out the McWane Center downtown. It is a combination of a Science Musuem and a Children's Museum. We had a lot of fun. We became members so now we can go anytime. Our favorite part was a board of plastic "pins" that you can plant your face, foot, hand in and the image would be in 3D on the other side. Coleman got the hang of it after he saw me do it and couldn't stop.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Blueberry Pickin'

Today we went blueberry picking north of Birmingham in the country, with Richard and Sophie. It was a lot of fun. Coleman was ecstactic about the thousands of blueberries all within hands reach. He ate his fair share. We picked 5 gallons of blueberries in maybe 2 hours. They are delicious!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Oh My

Certain words crack Coleman up. Lately its been "nut" , "bone " and here "Oh my!".

Favorite Picture of Coleman

This picture cracks me up every time !

A Day with Grammie

Coleman and I went to visit Grammie Sue and had her show us around. We had lots of fun, as you can see. First we went to Peach Park where they take fresh peaches and make peach everything: ice cream, pies, cobblers, etc. Along with the cute store was a lot of fun things for kids to do, such as ride a pelican, ride a horse, and ride a tractor. We then went down the road to the Water Works where you learn about the importance of water. You can step into a helicopter and take a simulated helicopter ride. Coleman is in the driver's seat and very, very serious about it here. After all our fun we all went to her house and took a long nap.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Learning to Talk

Coleman is mimicking us more and more and learning to make sentences. Here is saying "Back in the bag".

Yesterday we had a huge thunderstorm with hail, trees blowing down and a loss of power. I wonder what hurricaine season will be like? We lost power before dinner last night and didn't get it back until mid-morning today. It was a hot, miserable night of sleeping last night.

We finally got our Alabama license plate today. We are officially Alabamians...Alabamites?

Monday, July 28, 2008

The "Hi" Game

Coleman could play this game for hours. He loves being startled, and the unexpected. This is one of our favorite parks here.

This is a video of Coleman saying Hi to a cat sitting in the driveway. Coleman is learning how to walk on the sidewalk, and not on the grass or someone else's property. He is also learning how to listen to me better. For a while when I would say "Stop" he'd just laugh and run faster away from me as if it was a game. So, the fact that he is mostly listening to me here is huge! I am also teaching him to say "bye-bye" as a signal that we are to move on. Usually this works, but not in this case.

I love living in Birmingham. I haven't had one day where I thought the heat was too much. I spend most of the time outdoors too. Today Jared found a plastic kiddie pool in the garbage as he was rummaging for wood. We've been wanting a pool for a while, so this was a find! One man's trash is our treasure. :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Beach days

Coleman and I went to check out the local lake at
Oak Mountain State Park. He loves playing in the sand and dirt. He was very brave getting in the water walking in (with my help) almost to his chest. He is learning to kick as well while swimming. Before hitting the beach we did a short hike. The woods here are so beautiful! Coleman loves to hike with me too. When the path gets flat and even he'll pat my shoulder and say "Down" because he's ready to hike. He hikes well, stepping over roots and rocks, saying hi to all the trees, and helping me find ditches. He loves saying this new word: ditch.

The other picture is of Coleman eating. He will often shove more food in his mouth than he can handle. As you can see his mouth is already full and he's ready to add another cookie in.

I enrolled Coleman in a Parents' Day Out program at a church 4 blocks from us. He will go there Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I am excited for my time to myself and for Coleman to be able to play with other kids his age. This program starts in September.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hugging Sadie

I caught Coleman hugging Sadie last night. She is very patient with him. He loves to hug her!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Newest Family Member

We adopted a dog today from the Humane Society. She is so sweet with everyone, especially Coleman. He likes her so much that he is offering her his paci and trains to play with. Tikka is hiding out under the bed very annoyed with me.

The other picture is Coleman watching Thomas the train. Could he look any more relaxed?

We need name suggestions for our dog!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Feeding Daddy

This was a fun dinnertime with Coleman. Have we become Southern already by letting our son go around in just his diapers and eat shirtless? Notice the chicken frying in the background?

Fun with Tikka

Here is a video of Coleman chasing Tikka around. I'm not sure if she's having as much fun as he is.

Our New Blog

We recently went deep sea fishing with the Fulton family. We all caught at least 2 red snapper, and I even managed to reel up an octopus but he slid off before I could get it in the boat. It was a fun and exhausting day. Here are some pictures of Nolan, Forrest, Ashley, Brian and myself: