Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Coleman Dancing

Coleman is starting to like music more and dance to it. He'll even dance to my ridiculous ring tone. His new favorite thing is to go collect nuts, leaves, sticks and rocks in his garbage truck. He's very deliberate and careful, as you can see in the video.

Yesterday was his first day of 'school' at the Parents' Day Out program at the nearby church. When I dropped him off he was clinging to me and crying. When I picked him up he was playing with a train and didn't want to leave. When you ask him if he liked school, he'll say "ohhh" and "choo-choo". They told me that he really liked the singing too. It was a little sad for me to bring him to school. He's all growsed up!

I think Coleman is ready for potty training. He'll tell me when he's made a poop, and he's always eager to sit on his potty when we suggest it.

1 comment:

lexicon said...

hilarious! love his curls too:)

hang in there; hope you are feeling well.