Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Today Coleman successfully used the potty after dinner! What a celebration. He is wanting to be more of a big boy, like spooning his yogurt, or pudding into his mouth by himself, or holding onto the banister and walking down stairs.

When I ask him where Mee-Maw went he'll say "Up, up, up" because she flew up in an airplane.

Coleman loves music and will sit in front of the CD player for 20-30 minutes just listening. His favorite song is "Old McDonald". His second favorite song is "i come from alabama with a banjo on my knee". He'll say "Knee" when it comes on.

I've been feeling much better since my Mom left. I saw the doctor today, and we will have our ultrasound on oct 29, Wednesday, just in time for my birthday. :) So, what does everyone think we'll have? Boy or girl?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

hmmm... while a little girl would be fun and balance out the family... I must say a brother would probably be lots of fun for Coleman! can't wait to hear the verdict!