Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jared's Office Space

Jared, Derrick and Gabriel all work together at their company, BOX, behind this art gallery that they help Kathy run. Currently it has a Cuban art show running that they helped organize. It is a really neat office space, and a great place to meet potential clients. This is the second show of the art gallery, so hopefully as word gets out the next show will draw even more people.
Since Coleman turned 2 he has been throwing more tantrums and testing me every day. It was like a switch went on in his brain telling him he's 2 and now is the time to test everything. I am reading as many discipline books as I can get my hands on. Every day is a challenge. A few days ago he started throwing a tantrum on the kitchen floor and hitting his head on the floor, hoping to get my attention. I just went about my business and within seconds he was standing next to me wanting me to pick him up. I picked him up and hugged him and sat him down for lunch (the reason for the tantrum), and he calmed down. After a few minutes he said "Better. Coleman's better." And he was!

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