Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Walking in Mama's Shoes

Either I have really small feet, or Coleman has big feet, because he is able to walk pretty well in my shoes. Coleman has 2 monkey towels, and he loves them both. Its a rare moment when he'll lay his head on anyone's shoulder. So, this picture is priceless.

Today I am 36 weeks and the countdown is on. We found a great used double stroller, and have everything else we need. We just need to pack our hospital bags and we'll be ready, whenever she is.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Crunch & Munch

Our neighbor Katie gave Coleman a little bag of special sprinkles as a treat. I let him put them on his pudding for dessert. He got so giggly when I said "crunch and munch" so we got the camera out and captured his giggles. Grammie is visiting us for the weekend, which has been such a treat.

Jared is taking this weekend to hang the doors on our back room, which will be Coleman's "big boy room" after the baby arrives.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ready for Sister?

Apparently Coleman tells his teacher's at Parents Day Out all about the baby sister in Momma's belly. But when he's home he never talks about her, nor shows interest. We have set up the bassinett and room for when baby arrives, including the bouncy chair. Coleman thought the chair was the best thing ever and isn't keen on sharing with baby.

Coleman likes to help me out with things, such as dishes, sweeping, and walking Sadie. When he's in the jogging stroller he'll hold onto the leash and tell her "No pulling Sadie!". I think he likes to be able to boss someone, just as he feels I boss him. Yesterday, we drove the car to Jared's work and brought Sadie so we could walk home with her, leaving Jared the car. At one point Sadie was standing up in the backseat so Coleman said "Sit your bottom down Sadie." and when she did he said "Thank you!" just like I say to him.

With all of my insomnia I've been reflecting a lot on how blessed I am. The more I get to know myself and Jared the more I see God's hand in bringing us together. Jared's easy-going, forgiving, non-controlling ways have blessed me so much and made me a better woman. I'm truly very lucky.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day

Jared and I took Valentine's Day to revisit the church we got married in and
have lunch at The Globe restaurant, where we had our reception. It was
very romantic. Brian and Ashley very generously offered
to watch Coleman for the day so we could have time alone.
After visiting the church we visited some other Rural Studio ( projects. One
was the birding tower which we climbed up to the top. It was a beautiful view and well worth the 200 stair climb. When we got down from the tower and starting walking again our legs almost gave out from under us. We both had jelly legs and very sore thighs. We laughed very hard to know we are so far from being in the shape we were when we hike. One day we'll hike again.

Above is a picture of 'kissing cousins' soon to meet
each other in July.
Lately my biggest pregnancy craving is ICE! Not big cubes of ice, but the small ice cubes that you get from a soda machine. Its better than ice cream, or chocolate or fried chicken. I had a dream last night that our baby girl had one eye in the middle of her forehead, and was unattractive. I was horrified and thought "How can I love her as much as I love Coleman?"

Friday, February 13, 2009

Jumping on the Bed

Coleman was singing the song "10 Little Monkeys" as he jumped on our bed this morning. His memory amazes me. Maybe because mine is fading?

Tomorrow Jared and I are going to visit the church we got married in, and eat lunch at the restaurant where we had our reception. We are doing this to celebrate Valentine's Day and our anniversary before the baby comes. Coleman is going to stay home with Brian and Ashley while we go. What a great gift! They are expecting a girl too, in early July!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Here's another belly pic. I feel that I was this big with Coleman when I was 9 months and I still have 7 weeks to go! I am getting everything ready in the house for when our little butterbean arrives. She could be early, at least I'm hoping she will be.

We live very close to the train tracks and will bring Coleman down almost daily to see if we can spot any trains coming. Its about a 50/50 chance we'll see one. If we do we get out of the car and wait for it to come. Coleman is beside himself with excitement while it approaches, and then gets very serious when it goes by. He'll wave to the train and often the conductors will open the window and wave back at us.

We've had some beautiful, spring-like weather lately. The daffodils are blooming! Jared is working in the backyard a lot, getting it ready for gardening and the greenhouse we are being given by a neighbor.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jared's Office Space

Jared, Derrick and Gabriel all work together at their company, BOX, behind this art gallery that they help Kathy run. Currently it has a Cuban art show running that they helped organize. It is a really neat office space, and a great place to meet potential clients. This is the second show of the art gallery, so hopefully as word gets out the next show will draw even more people.
Since Coleman turned 2 he has been throwing more tantrums and testing me every day. It was like a switch went on in his brain telling him he's 2 and now is the time to test everything. I am reading as many discipline books as I can get my hands on. Every day is a challenge. A few days ago he started throwing a tantrum on the kitchen floor and hitting his head on the floor, hoping to get my attention. I just went about my business and within seconds he was standing next to me wanting me to pick him up. I picked him up and hugged him and sat him down for lunch (the reason for the tantrum), and he calmed down. After a few minutes he said "Better. Coleman's better." And he was!