This is always a fun time for me, but is especially fun with a 3 year old. Coleman thinks it is fun to mix all the colors together, but I know that will only make brown eggs, so I had to curb his fun of mixing. What do you do with the dyed Easter eggs after they are done? Ours were hard-boiled so we couldn't leave them out in a basket...Suggestions welcome.
Eliza's Birthday
Sadly Coleman woke up on Eliza's birthday party day with a fever and feeling extremely sick. Eliza was on the mend herself from a flu and earache. So we had to cancel with everyone except the great-grandmas. They are truly "great" because they traveled 3 hours one way just to see Eliza open her presents, poke her cupcake and then take a nap. But we still had a good visit and Eliza is still loving her new toys. She especially loves her shape-box and when she pushes a shape through the right hole (with my help of course) she looks up for everyone to praise her and clap because she is so pleased with herself.
Crestwood Spring Fest:
A local church sponsored a fun Saturday get-together of hotdogs, music, bouncy castles and lots of local people. We saw more people we recognized than we had expected. The photographer from our wedding was there and remembered us, our wedding date and that its almost been 5 years. I was impressed he remembered us so well. Coleman had a blast running around playing with his balloon sword and eating more than his fair share of 'treats'. Eliza nearly broke down when a clown came to say hello to her. She was terrified, and rightly so I think. The music was great, the weather started to cooperate and all-in-all it was a great day. Oh yeah, the best part was our kids napped until 4 p.m. that day!
We couldn't help ourselves: we sold out the true meaning of Easter and hid Easter eggs this year. Next year we'll still hide the eggs, but will include the true meaning of Easter. I told Coleman a little about Jesus dying and coming back to life, but I'm pretty sure he didn't get it. Its still hard for me to understand! I guess that's why I call it faith.
Anyway, Coleman had a great time finding eggs, and then eating the treats inside. Not all at once, of course. Here you can see his green sugar goatee from a marshmallow treat and his sugar-stupor. Our sweet neighbor Brownie made sure he got Coleman and Eliza peeps for Easter. They were a big hit with all of us. I remember the days of my Dad giving us peeps for Easter and they tasted so good. They still do for me.
Splashing Fun
Eliza loves to splash in the water even though its cold and gets in her eyes and takes her breath away. She'll just pause, take a deep breath and go right back to it. Coleman, on the other hand, does not enjoy being splashed and preferred riding his bike. He is really getting into riding bikes lately. I am so glad spring is finally here. We get outside every chance we get. Eliza crawls straight towards the open door as soon as I open it and Coleman is forever asking me to go out back, or to Triangle Park. Now we finally can do all of that with the nice weather.
1 comment:
A friend said that when your child is afraid of strange looking people (aka clowns) that is a sign of high intelligence! you go Eliza! missing you guys and glad to see all the fun... happy early anniversary :) time flies!
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