Forrest's birthday with Dad, Cheryl, Brian, Ashley and Naomi. It was a success, though I think Coleman got more presents than Forrest! He got 5 new trains and new track. He'll wake up and say "Wanna play choo-choo's with me Mama? After you get your coffee. Wanna say O.K.?" We went out to eat and Coleman got the grilled cheese. When it came out he said "Oooo!" and started wiggling in his seat with excitement.
Jared got Naomi not only to smile, but to laugh as well. Not me. She almost started to cry with me. I take care of babies 3 mornings a week, I should know how to do this! Oh well. I'm sure she and I will bond eventually. :)
Coleman thought the cake was for him, so he helped Forrest blow out the candles...sort of. He only knows how to stick out his bottom lip and blow air up, so he blows his hair up.
Yesterday we went hiking with friends that Jared knows through work, Andrew, Tara and their twin boys, Logan and Will. The boys are 9 months old and very cute, as you can see in the pictures. It was great to get a backpack on again and tramp through the woods. It makes me miss my hiking days a lot! Eliza loves the backpack. When I lift her up onto my shoulders she just grins as being up so high. Coleman loved being on Jared's shoulders, and then later Andrew's shoulders. At one point we paused at huge rocks that you could crawl under. Coleman asked Andrew to hold his hand so he could go under to explore.
Today after naps we went to Park Place downtown, a housing development that our church is ministering to. It was a beautiful day to be outdoors. Coleman loved the big slide. He went down all by himself as long as Jared was on the other side to meet him. The kids loved playing with Coleman. One girl was having fun tickling and wrestling with him, and Coleman loved it too. On our drive home Coleman asked if I would play choo-choo's with him, and Daddy too. I said that someone had to feed Eliza. So he said Daddy should and Mommy will play with him. Then he said "Coleman loves mommy, and Eliza loves Daddy." He has some very definite ideas about the world.
Since school has started for me days have been really busy, thus less free time to blog. I'm starting to think about next steps for me to take towards a career. I'm asking around, and praying for the right timing and opportunities to arise. School has been tough for Coleman because he and I get less time to play trains together. That leads to more behavior problems. At school he's had to be in time-out for biting, spitting and not listening.
Jared is doing a lot of great work in Woodlawn, along with the guys he works alongside of. They are trying to revitalize the area. I get really excited about for Jared when he tells me all the things he's working on. I love his new office too, AND you can watch trains going by from the window. Its meant to be!
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