Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Family Visit

We had a visit from Jared's Dad recently, known as 'Grandaddy' to Coleman. He brought some great books for Coleman one of which is a puzzle book that he loves. Who doesn't love books?

Then we had Sue, Forrest, Brian, Ashley and baby Naomi visit. Coleman loves to kiss his sister and cousin. Eliza's new talent is shown above in the video.

Coleman's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. He cracks me up with things he'll say. This morning he said that Sadie will grow bigger and bigger and then she'll say "Excuse me" when she farts. I love hearing his perception of the world.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Christen

Happy Birthday to my sister Christen. Coleman an d I decided to sing to you so you can imagine we are there with you. Now you can blow out the candles on your cake! Wish we could be there to celebrate with you.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Learning How To Be a Big Brother

Coleman is learning what it means to be a big brother and how very important that role is. He loves to pat and kiss Eliza's head, take a bath with her, show her his trains and share them with her, and of course sing to her. He also likes to boss her around "don't bite that Eliza". Or boss me around "Baby's frying (crying) Mama."

Coleman has a list of words that he chooses to say his way even though he can say them the correct way:

Frain = train
fruck = truck
canana = banana
flease = please
forn = corn
Casiah = Josiah
finkle = Twinkle
wittle = little
fry = cry
Fwatamala = Guatamala

I find myself saying them his way to him because they are so cute. Jared told me I need to stop so he doesn't keep saying them incorrectly.