My parents came down, actually drove down 20 hours from Connecticut, to celebrate Christmas with us this year. It was a really great 4 days. Here are the pictures, long, long overdue, but finally posted :) Both Eliza and Coleman got a piano to play. Eliza loves her Alligator chimes and plays them all the time for me. She's also starting to dance when she's standing up and a I play some fun music for her. We all got to go swimming once in the pool at Mom and Dad's hotel. Poor Eliza was a bit overwhelmed by the cold, the water, the new place and was clinging to my neck. Turns out the poor baby had an ear infection. But Coleman loved playing in the water. Eliza bonded with her Grandpa this week. My Mom, Coleman and I would go off to do something fun and leave Eliza to nap with my Dad. He'd read to her, and pat her until her little eyelids would close. He took the picture of her on the bed with the books around her. Coleman loved his time with both Grandma and Grandpa playing with his new Christmas gifts and his trains. He'll say to me once in a while "Maybe Grandma and Grandpa can come visit us and that will be fun."
Yesterday Coleman and I were looking out the living room window and saw a little fly on the outside. He started to tell me about the fly trying to catch Coleman when he went outside but it couldn't because the fly would trip, but the fly wouldn't cry because bees don't cry. (Bees and flies are the same thing to Coleman right now). He then went on to say that Daddy doesn't cry either because he's a man.